Up until Dubbers was two years old, he received all his therapy thru Early Intervention at home.  While in the beginning, this was very convenient and the most appropriate, after about a year and a half I felt like he was ready for a change.  Our Service Coordinator had mentioned Center-based programs when Dubbers was much younger, and I brushed this idea off; however, as we neared his second birthday I came to the realization a typical “2’s” program was just not going to work and gave this option more thought.

We were lucky enough to learn about and visit ABC Variety’s Cody Gifford House, although there are many throughout the city.  After our tour and meeting with the Director, we could not wait for Dubbers to start.  He attended for one year before aging out of EI and I credit his ability to transition into a preschool classroom to his experience at Cody Gifford.  Ask your Service Coordinator about Center-based programs and if your child would qualify.  I believe the mandate needed would be for Special Instruction (SI).

These center-based programs provide so much benefit to children like Dubbers:

  • A place to go, outside the comfort of their own home, that is consistent, nurturing and safe.
  • A routine each day (free-play, circle time, snack, art/music, etc.) which inevitably prepares them for preschool
  • Allows them to be with other children where they learn, play, and introduce social skills with one another
  • Therapists on-site and individual therapy provided (according to child’s mandate)
  • High adult to child ratio, with usually one head teacher, two assistants and then volunteers as needed