When Dubbers began receiving multiple therapies thru Early Intervention, he was provided a “Team Meeting” mandate.  This would allow each of his EI Therapists to meet once a month (per his mandate), discuss goals, challenges and ideas with one another, while also getting compensated.  With six different therapists, coordinating a day and time was not the easiest; however, it helped to establish a pre-set day each month.  It is crucial the team understands what is being worked on across all therapies and take this into consideration during their individual sessions.

While EI first introduced me to the concept of a “Team” approach, it was not until Dubbers began going to a private therapeutic center last year that it finally began to resonate.  At this center, Dubbers receives multi-disciplinary treatment based on an integrated model which combines speech/language, fine and gross motor, ABA therapy, and socialization skills all under one roof with one team.

This is truly a team working as one unit for the benefit of Dubbers.  They meet weekly and as needed to discuss everything I previously mentioned.  When a challenging situation arises, they take an integrated approach to research what may be the source and how each therapist can work to alleviate and eventually overcome the issue.  A most recent example was with teeth grinding.  Who knew that teeth grinding could be linked to an overall weak body and core, a need for internal organization, jaw weakness and instability?  Based on these findings, his team outlined an intervention plan which includes sensory and motor activities, behavioral interventions, oral motor exercises and massage.

Whether your child has access to a therapeutic center such as the one Dubbers attends, is still in Early Intervention, or receives services from several different providers, it is imperative your child has a therapy TEAM that works together.  Request team meetings from your EI Service Coordinator or begin a team email.  Goals can be achieved much faster when taking this approach.