A few weekends ago, we ventured across town to the New York International Auto Show, held at the Javits Center.  Dubbers loves all things “auto,” from playing with his toy cars and trucks, to riding in taxis, to his favorite song, Wheels on the Bus.  It only seemed natural that he would enjoy this new experience, and boy did he ever!  We all had so much fun and adored every minute of watching the excitement he had while running from car to car.

All the major car manufacturers showcase both new and existing models where you are free to open doors and climb inside.  There was also a real Fire Truck, Ambulance and Police exhibit, which Dubbers loved, as well as a few construction vehicles from Diggerland.  All of this was on the first level of the show, which surprisingly was not too overwhelming for Dubbers.  While it is a lot visually to take in, the sounds were not disruptive.  The second and main floor, which featured more of the luxury and popular brands, was more crowded and therefore we spent less time here.

If your child is into cars, trucks, and/or emergency vehicles, this show is worth considering next spring.  It can be noisy and crowded in certain exhibits; however, the lower level featuring the more child appropriate vehicles, was surprisingly less stimulating.  The 2018 dates are not yet posted, but I will share once available.  Below are a few pictures from our visit.