Each morning when Dubbers wakes up, his first thought and word spoken via his Talker is, “schedule.” Dubbers’ schedule is a book made from a small binder with about six laminated pages and pecs-like pictures or images. These can be arranged, changed or removed as needed. Knowing what the upcoming day has in store is very important to Dubbers; therefore, it is very important that I prepare and maintain this book.
The center where Dubbers receives all of his therapy introduced the schedule book earlier this year. This allows him to visually understand who he will be working with and what activities he will be doing with each therapist. I know plenty of people (including myself) are creatures of habit and like a routine. However, some children like Dubbers can take this to another level and really require a routine. Sometimes a routine needs to be broken or a change in schedule needs to be made, and this visual tool can help facilitate.
The reason we began using a schedule book at home is due to a weekend trip we took to Boston at the beginning of May. Although all three of us went, I was going to spend Saturday with my best friends while Dubbers and Dad had a boys day. This seems harmless; however, Dubbers can be very attached to “Mama.” There is not a lot of time we are separated, except when he is in school or therapy. Phil and I were both nervous that Dubbers would have a difficult time spending the day apart from me, so we consulted our therapy team for a plan. Based on Dubbers’ positive experience with a schedule book at the center, the team decided implementing one for home would help in general, and specifically for this weekend trip to Boston.
We prepared pictures based on the schedule for the weekend and included a couple of “options” so Dubbers could decide the main activity with Dad (Phil) on Saturday. There are also individual pictures of myself, Phil and then a picture of Phil and I together. These precede any event so Dubbers knows who he will be with.
On Saturday morning after I left for a girls day in Boston, Phil presented Dubbers two options, visiting the aquarium or Legoland…and Legoland won! Dubbers now knew that because just Phil’s picture was at the beginning, he would spend it with him. They would go to Legoland, play, eat pizza for dinner, go to sleep and THEN Mama would be back, as my picture was at the end. Phil said the day went perfectly. We were prepared, Dubbers was prepared, and we ALL were able to enjoy our day!

Dubbers and Dad at Legoland!