Month: August 2017

A La Mode

After M&M’s (or chocolate in general) ice cream is Dubbers’ favorite treat. His favorite place to go for ice cream is the cutest family-run shoppe, A La Mode. Not only does it have the most delicious and unique flavors, but all of their ice cream is nut-free, sesame-free and egg-free, for those with food allergies.  Fortunately Dubbers does not have any; however, we are still regulars due to their assortment of creative flavors. Dubbers and I usually share a “Partly Cloudy,” which is blue cotton candy ice cream with marshmallows. Dad prefers “Speed Bump,” which is deep chocolate ice cream...

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Dubbers Does Disney

Crowded, overwhelming, and too stimulating!  These are a few of the descriptives that may come to mind for a parent of a child with “special needs.”  But then there are magical, fun, happy, and memories.  Why should any child miss this experience for a reason they cannot help?  Earlier this year, we booked a trip to Disney World. I was determined for Dubbers to have his opportunity to enjoy “the most magical place on earth.”  My parents, as well as my brother and five year old niece, would be joining us for our three day stay in Orlando. After...

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City Kids Nutrition

Dubbers was approved for a Nutritionist thru Early Intervention when he was about ten months old, with the main objective to increase his weight.  Nutrition can be especially important to children with the following: Acid Reflux, Autism, Celiac Disease, Cerebral Palsy, Diabetes, Failure to Thrive/Feeding Tubes, Oral Motor Delays, Premature Birth, and Sensory issues, to name a few. We were very fortunate to have Deborah Malkoff-Cohen assigned to his case, who quickly became an integral part of his team.  She took into consideration both the medical and developmental factors and devised appropriate feeding schedules along with a variety of...

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Our Days with Dubbers

As we drove away from Eve, Phil and Dubbers, kids sticky from recently devoured ice cream in the back seat, I said to my eldest, “So *Paige, how was that?” “What do you mean, Mamma?” she asked. “Well, with Dubbers this week.” I said. “I don’t know why you worried, Mamma. He’s just a kid. And his talker is cool,” she said matter-of-factly, shrugged her shoulders and asked what was for dinner. That was that. Out of the mouths of babes. In the days leading up to Dubber’s arrival, I talked with Paige (6), Felix (5) and Katie (3)...

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